We are MBE certified, therefore, we can help you with contract compliance.
We are MBE certified, therefore, we can help you with contract compliance.
E xecutive Summary - Company Description:
Leeway Labor Services (LLS) is an Illinois-based, MBE Certified Construction Labor firm that provides experienced sub-contracting services to GC and Construction Companies. LLS will focus on new, rehab, and road construction projects in and around Chicago. The city has been growing as it welcomes new businesses and private sector developments in conjunction with federal & state-funded projects.
These projects will serve much-needed towns and villages across Illinois.
Vision and Goals:
(LLS) intend to provide labor services and develop business relationships with experienced construction firms that believe in the need for diversity in an effort to promote employment and economic opportunities for inner-city communities. LLS is committed and eager to spear job growth and help mentor a new generation of workers. Simultaneously, providing an excellent customer
service that is worthy of a long-term working relationship.
Products and Services:
In an effort to stand out from our competition, LLS will provide experienced union labor at an affordable cost. Including but not limited to: Laborers, Forklift Operators, Materials Carry-In, Semi Off-Load and Stage, Post Construction Cleaning, and Janitorial. Whether the job requires 1 or 100 men, LLS is prepared to tailor solutions to accommodate your requirement.
Your preferred vendors:
Trust is very important, especially in the construction industry. That’s why our goal is to assist you and your preferred vendors.
Competitive Analysis:
In an effort to be competitive and acquire more contracts and maintain your current contracts in a more diversified market, it would be advantageous to partner with MBE firms especially when vying for government and municipality contracts. Market share is paramount especially during the boom.
Marketing/Sales Plan:
Per several Governments and Municipalities, Billions will be allocated to build and/or rehab new roads and tollways. Again, that’s why we urge firms vying for Government and Municipality contracts to partner with Leeway Labor Services in an effort to comply with all requirements, move forward, and gain market share. Don’t wait time filling out stifling waivers that could disqualify your firm from landing great contracts.
Management Team:
LLS will be headed by 16 years veteran and business owner Lee Haggard. Over the last 16 years, Mr. Haggard performed the duties of Estimator, Project Manager, Accountant, Payroll, Foreman, tradesman, etc.
It’s important to know that Mr. Haggard is a trustworthy and dedicated businessman and every project large or small, will be approached uniquely per client and that philosophy is disseminated with all positions of employment. Employees are a very special part of our operations collectively. We all want good people and reliable co-workers that adhere to procedures and safety. As part of the LLS management team, a project manager will be readily available to answer questions and solve issues, along with an on-site foreman/steward who will always be present on every worksite.
© 2017 Leeway Labor Services, Inc.